How this site is structured

Hello and welcome to my new online home. In this first post, I ‘d like to describe how the site is structured and where to find information.

The main categories in the site are:

My Books

Peloton of Two, my first novel, will be published soon as an ebook shortly. You can find out more about the story by clicking on Peloton of Two. As more publications are added they will be listed in the Books section.

Book related extras

Peloton of Two is a romantic comedy set on a tandem bicycle tour around France. In the book related extras, you can meet the story’s main character, Catherine Pringle. Catherine is a journalist and, as part of the story, she writes a series of blog posts and articles. Only a small number of these actually appear in the ebook. All of her posts will be available as extra material. Accompanying this will be notes, maps and charts detailing Catherine’s journey through France. More on this soon.


Peloton of Two is a work of fiction, but the plot is anchored in a journey around France. The detail of the journey is real. The places Catherine and the others visit, the distances they cover and the time it takes are carefully researched. Research material and interesting links will be added to this Research section.

What I’m working on now

Right now, the what I’m working on now category is mostly about Peloton of Two. But that will change over time as new projects are added.